Wondering if your child may benefit from Pediatric PT or OT?
Below are a list of common symptoms we help treat.
Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Struggle with daily self-care tasks like feeding, dressing, grooming, or toileting
Have difficulties with fine motor skills, such as using scissors, coloring, writing, buttoning clothes, or tying shoes
Experience sensory processing issues, like being overly sensitive to certain textures, sounds, or lights
Struggle with behavioral or emotional challenges that affect their ability to engage in school or social activities
Need help developing visual-motor skills for tasks like reading, writing, or hand-eye coordination
Have developmental delays or neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism or ADHD
Experience difficulties in motor planning, which affects their ability to perform sequential tasks or activities
Show signs of poor hand-eye coordination or trouble with activities requiring dexterity
Require adaptive equipment or modifications to complete everyday tasks successfully
Pediatric Physical Therapy
Struggle with muscle weakness or low muscle tone
Have difficulty with balance, coordination, or walking
Experience developmental delays in gross motor skills such as rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, or walking
Face challenges with flexibility or range of motion due to tight or shortened muscles
Have trouble with posture or body alignment while performing tasks
Show signs of abnormal gait or walking patterns
Require assistance with motor planning, affecting their ability to execute tasks in a sequence
Are recovering from injuries, surgeries, or medical conditions that affect movement
Need training in the use of adaptive equipment (e.g., wheelchairs, walkers) or orthotics
Experience difficulty with physical tasks related to daily activities or sports
Common Diagnosis
Gross motor delay
Fine Motor delay
Developmental delay
Cerebral Palsy
Down Syndrome
Genetic conditions
Balance Deficits
Executive Dysfunction
Toe walking
Coordination difficulties
Muscle weakness
Sensory Processing Disorder
Commonly Used Approaches
Our therapists utilize a range of methods and techniques to support our patients in reaching their goals.
Posture and movement assessment
Functional mobility exercises
Home exercise plans and parent education
Gait training
Approaches focused on infants and toddlers
Motor control, motor learning, and functional mobility training
Balance training
Neuromuscular re-education
Strengthening exercises and neuromuscular re-education
Sensory integration therapy
Sine motor skills development
Visual perceptual skills training
Play-based therapy
Neurodevelopmental treatment